Europan Protector III

Showing the history of Europan Protector III across 4 versions
From 2020.11.10 (Beyond Light) to 2022.05.24 (Season of the Haunted)


  • Careful Shot
  • Europan Protector III

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/975a0b482403b961f80a959eb9ccad42.jpg
  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/c7ec941fc55ba5ebb3a139cbcd9623fb.jpg


  • On Europa, defeat combatants with precision final blows using Kinetic weapons, Power weapons, and in groups of 2 or more.
  • Unlocks chance to earn Herealways Pieces by defeating combatants on Europa with precision final blows.

Flavor text

  • "Variks keeps records of Europa. The rise of Riis-Reborn. Its fall. The tireless efforts of the Guardians." —Variks the Loyal

Display source

  • "Variks keeps records of Europa. The rise of Riis-Reborn. Its fall. The tireless efforts of the Guardians." —Variks the Loyal