Big-Play Contender

Showing the history of Big-Play Contender across 2 versions
From 2024.03.05 (Season of the Wish) to 2025.03.11 (Heresy)


  • Big-Play Contender

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/52a39d31e94e101a254f10915ec053a7.jpg


  • Land Void or Strand final blows in Gambit. Defeating targets with Super abilities or weapons using Heavy ammo grants additional progress. Defeating Guardians grants substantial progress. Completing a Gambit match grants massively increased progress.
  • Land Void final blows or final blows with the Prismatic subclass equipped in Gambit. Defeating targets with Super abilities or weapons using Heavy ammo grants additional progress. Defeating Guardians grants substantial progress. Completing a Gambit match grants massively increased progress.

Display source

  • "No such thing as style points, but if there were, you'd be way ahead!" —The Drifter