A Nova One Bites the Dust

Showing the history of A Nova One Bites the Dust across 4 versions
From 2021.05.11 (Season of the Splicer) to 2021.08.31 (Season of the Lost)


  • A Nova One Bites the Dust

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/30399cdc524801fe688f55550ab427e7.jpg


  • Collect Void or Stasis orbs from Hive combatants.
  • As a Void or Stasis subclass, collect Captured Void or Stasis Energy from defeated Hive combatants.

Flavor text

  • "Ikora said she needed a Void Guardian to handle a 'Hive problem.' Does that make you all the best at sword logic? No one's been able to explain sword logic to me in a way that's satisfying. For example, Shaxx fears me, but not because I'm stronger than him. How does sword logic account for that?" —Eva Levante

Display source

  • "Ikora said she needed a Void Guardian to handle a 'Hive problem.' Does that make you all the best at sword logic? No one's been able to explain sword logic to me in a way that's satisfying. For example, Shaxx fears me, but not because I'm stronger than him. How does sword logic account for that?" —Eva Levante