Shaw Han — Learning Light

As you offer the remains of Maeve's Ghost to Shaw, he pauses, then gestures for you to wait a moment. He pulls the edge of his cloak taut, materializes a knife, and slices a strip of cloth free.

With reverence, Shaw wraps the shards of Ghost shell in the cloth, then holds the bundle gently.

"It's an old Hunter tradition, a way to honor lost friends. Not practiced much these days."

Looking back at you, he seems to realize something. His eyes brighten and search all around you.

"Have you felt your connection to the Traveler yet?" he asks. "I don't mean throwing purple grenades and shooting golden guns, something deeper."

Shaw tells you to find a quiet place and meditate on the Light. Strange as that sounds, he promises it will make you stronger. "Don't worry, it's not supposed to make sense."