Vest of Transcendence

Showing the history of Vest of Transcendence across 2 versions
From 2019.12.10 (Season of Dawn) to 2020.11.10 (Beyond Light)


  • Vest of Transcendence

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/screenshots/4177973942.jpg
  • /common/destiny2_content/screenshots/210208587.jpg


  • "Do you think this makes you better than us?" —Rekkana, Warlock of the Kentarch 3
  • "If you do this, it can't be undone. Some choices change you. This is one of them." —Lisbon-13, Hunter of the Kentarch 3


  • Their Ghosts all started chattering at once, and Lisbon-13 stepped away from his compatriots to hear his own.
  • "Scanning. No sign of complex life besides you three. Widening the scan parameters. I got bupkis."
  • "Look for any kind of transmission, or a nearby audio device," Lisbon-13 ordered. "We're getting sound without a source."
  • "Got it," his Ghost said, but then it wobbled in the air. "Whoa. Don't got it."
  • Lisbon-13 grabbed his Ghost before it could fall. In the grotto, their Light faded.
  • He heard Rekkana ask, "Yardarm, Lisbon, you OK?"
  • "I'm fine," he said. And he was. Something strange—something alarming—was happening, but Lisbon-13 felt no fear.
  • As the gloom faded to black, Lisbon-13 set his shoulders. Whoever—whatever—it was had spoken. It would speak again.
  • Lisbon-13 stood against the dark and waited to have words.