Shadow's Mark

Showing the history of Shadow's Mark across 2 versions
From 2017.09.14 (Destiny 2) to 2020.11.10 (Beyond Light)


  • Shadow's Mark

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/screenshots/3092380261.jpg


  • Calus could not heal our air. My planet is still dying. But as long as I serve, I have hope. —Rull, Gun of Kaga Clipse.
  • "Calus could not heal our air. My planet is still dying. But as long as I serve, I have hope." —Rull, Gun of Kaga Clipse.


  • Rull activated his staff's secondary configuration and fired a harpoon into Moli's exposed flank. The barbs pierced deep, and the giant beast of a Cabal let out a monstrous howl. Blind with pain, he began to run, dragging Rull behind like a harpooned whale dragging a ship.
  • The honored Celebrant Moli ran through the streets of the Cabal homeworld on celebration day, howling in agony and dragging Rull behind. It was such a spectacle that no one was sure what exactly was happening or what to do about it.
  • Moli ran all the way to Dominus Ghaul's ceremony and right up the steps before collapsing at his lord's feet. Rull realized that he now faced a choice—try to escape, or finish the job.
  • Rull yanked out the harpoon before shoving it through Moli's neck. He had just enough time to pull off his helmet and smile in Ghaul's face before he was killed.
  • Truly, Emperor Calus had delivered a warrior's paradise.