
Showing the history of Magnolia across 2 versions
From 2023.02.28 (Lightfall) to 2023.03.16 (Lightfall)


  • Classified
  • Magnolia


  • "Can you not be here virtually?" Ava couldn't make eye contact with the digital projection—she wasn't sure she could with a real, live person either, but it was such a stark reminder.
  • "I can't," Maggie admitted. "But I can get another crisis responder who hasn't uploaded yet to come over. It'll take a few minutes. Can I sit with you until then?"
  • Decisions were hard. "I guess."
  • Magnolia sat—settled her virtual projection in at Ava's eye level and above the couch—and looked around the apartment. Her eyes fell on a familiar artwork.
  • "Wow, is that a vintage Raid Invader poster?"
  • Ava shifted a little. After a long moment, she nodded. "Yeah. Was my granddad's. It was the preorder promo for the very first game."
  • "That's awesome. You excited about the new series they're making? Purnadi Hassan is going to be the perfect Durandal!"
  • "The Thrilladrome arcade's sponsoring a watch party for it after we're all…" She didn't add "in the CloudArk."
  • There was a sigh and another silence.
  • Minutes ticked by.
  • Ava took a deep breath. "It's just scary, you know?"
  • "It is." Maggie nodded.
  • "The whole world is going to end, and we're going to hide online."
  • "It's not on you to save the world." Maggie placed a digital hand on Ava's. The charge particles tingled her skin.
  • "But the world's going to end. Why can't I just choose to go a little sooner?"
  • Maggie shrugged. "Because then you'd miss a great Raid Invader series."
  • "Holding out to watch a new show? That's so…" Ava shook her head. "Dumb."
  • "So what? Life's dumb." Maggie waved around with the vague suggestion of everything. "It's okay to coast. If you'd get lost without little steppingstones of happiness, then use the stones."
  • Ava cautioned a look at her virtual companion. "And if you're good," Maggie assured her, "you can save the world next week."