Equitis Shade Cowl

Showing the history of Equitis Shade Cowl across 2 versions
From 2018.05.08 (Warmind) to 2020.06.09 (Season of Arrivals)


  • Equitis Shade Cloak
  • Equitis Shade Cowl

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/screenshots/3440648382.jpg
  • /common/destiny2_content/screenshots/3066613133.jpg


  • "You have truly grown fat from strength. And you are still as nimble as ever. Magnificent." —Calus, Emperor of the Cabal


  • The Cabal I knew commanded ships that spoke to our affluence and cultivation, forged from the crucible of war so that we might never need to fight again.
  • But what did the Red Legion deploy in place of the glossy, magnificent fleets that I remember? Warships. Carriers. Interceptor squadrons. Harvesters. The Almighty. Blunt and base tools of war, like the soldiers who use them.
  • The Cabal fleet that I remember shocked with its allure and refinement. They would never threaten. Our power was such that our threats were unspoken. And always present.
  • A Shadow of your Guardian-tribe, with your raw instincts and reflexes, would be a perfect navigator of these vessels. You'll guide them like blades past the throat of my homeworld's planetary defense force.
  • My homeworld... I can't remember its name. Perhaps I'll give it a new one.
  • —Calus, Emperor of the Cabal