I wish to be respected.
I am [Riven]. And I am pleased.
The [Techeun] believe that with my heart in tow I will remain imprisoned.
But my [bargain] with them is fulfilled. And they will pay.
This [City] will pay.
But what about you? Brother-slayer. Spawn-killer. [Child of light]. What will you do now that we are bonded for all your lives?
I gave you everything you wanted in that moment. Everything you needed. You complete your [raid]. And you are rewarded for your efforts.
Did you exhibit a violent display in the aftermath? I wonder. Some of you do. Everyone wants more than they have. A key element of all [bargains].
You are afflicted by tedious repetition.
It is my turn to benefit.
Most of those who [bargain] with me do not win.
O murderer mine.