WANTED: Queenbreaker Vandal

Every sordid Wolf that skulked out of the Reef alive will become a trophy—a testament to the Queen's Wrath. Her Grace will see justice done.
WANTED: Any and all traitorous Wolf Vandals known as Queenbreakers.

Bounty: 100 Marks, Queen's Wrath; first claim to spoils

Wanted for: Treachery and high treason against the Queen of the Reef

- Weapon: Wire Rifle

Affiliations: Skolas, Saviks

Bring proof of kill to PETRA VENJ, Vestian Outpost (5560 Amytis)

WANTED: Queenbreaker Captain

Category: Skolas

WANTED: Repeater Shank

Vestian Outpost, Queen's Bay

Category: Queen Mara Sov

WANTED: Saviks, Queenbreaker

WANTED: Queenbreaker Captain

Category: Petra Venj

WANTED: Repeater Shank