Lysander and the Concordant mark the most recent example of a City political factions rising in opposition to the Consensus. This site marks a legendary battle where New Monarchy's Guardians rose to deliver the final blow to the Concordant, unraveling the war effort Lysander sought to bring against the Vanguard.<br/><br/>
Lysander and the Concordat mark the most recent example of a City political factions rising in opposition to the Consensus. This site marks a legendary battle where New Monarchy's Guardians rose to deliver the final blow to the Concordat, unraveling the war effort Lysander sought to bring against the Vanguard.<br/><br/>
Lord Shaxx has commandeered the area not only to commemorate this last stand, but as a reminder of the City's solidarity against those who seek to undermine the extreme efforts and sacrifice we make together to keep our peace.